Saturday, March 26, 2011

Murder Mystery...

Went with Rev and our best friends to a Murder Mystery Dinner Drama tonight... what fun!  Of course, the guys were eating it up (Rev's best friend is a cop too). They kept going back and forth with each other about the clues and what they meant...

Rev's best friend solved the murder and got an award!

My poor baby was so disappointed! But hey.....

... he IS a rookie!!!   :)

Less Irritated...

Things have been SO much better since Rev's been on days!

I can see this playing out... I will love days. I will put up with nights. It won't be that bad...

I've noticed that he likes to be home a lot more during days. And it is so very very nice to be able to go to sleep with him by my side every night. (Now if only I can get on day schedule, it would be great! LOL)


We did our budget this past Wednesday. Yikes.

Yikes.  Yikes.  Yikes.  (1 is bad, 3 Yikes is really bad.)

It appears that, in order to make ends meet he is going to have to pick up some hours elsewhere as will I.
We got ourselves in a financial mess early in our marriage and are now paying the fiddler (or piper or whoever the fellow is... we are paying him!)

He makes enough to pay our mortgage and utilities.. and that is about it. I've been going through a rough time with the photography business... winters are always tough. It's picking up but I'm going to pick up a part-time job to help until we get out of this debt hole that we have ourselves in.

We don't live extravagant lifestyles, our mortgage is average, we own our vehicles.... but Rev was unemployed while he was going to the Academy and I'm still in the first 2 years of my business. It just all came on so quickly and now we owe just about everybody it seems!

We decided in January that we were going to follow Dave Ramsey's plan to a Debt Free life... so we are on the path and are excited about actually doing this - it is just real frustrating when you work so hard and it still doesn't seem to be enough. You know?

I was so shocked when I found out what our boys actually make. I mean, really. It's pathetic.
It makes me want to shake these sports players who play these games and hold out for another 5 million in their contract. Seriously?

Not to be melodramatic or sound like the whining wife here.... but this society is MESSED UP!

A police officer has to take a second job just to put food on the table.... while the baseball player whines and complains about not having enough to buy that second home in Martha's Vineyard and that 5th sports car he so badly wants. It's just sad. It makes me sad.

But you know what?? With God, all things are possible!!!

After we had the moment of truth (where we thought we were going to have to sell the house, live out of our cars, and eat mini wieners out of a can... melodramatic me again!), we talked it over, and now we know what we have to do for the next 4-5 years to get out of this hole. And we did it all without knocking each other out or raising our voices! We have a budget, we have a plan, and we can do it!

We then had one of my favorite parts so far of our 6 year marriage. We went down by the lake at his parent's house... away from everything. We sat and held each other, quietly talking, and then Rev began to pray for us.

He prayed that God would forgive us for being improper stewards of our money, that He would bless our efforts and give us strength and patience on this journey.

We want to be a blessing to Him and to His kingdom, and so we gave it all to Him right there by the lake. Holding each other and knowing that God is holding us in His arms too. We will do our part, and we are confident that God will do His. He has never let us down!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Last night was one of those nights. Rev was off, and decided to go work out instead of staying home with me... on his night off. He was gone until almost 5 am!

Granted, he was with his best friend (who's wife is MY best friend) who is also a cop. They don't drink and aren't party-animals, so I know they were probably simply playing xbox and goofing off.

Still, I was wide awake at home. Thanks to Rev getting me on HIS sleeping schedule (argggh)!

I don't want to be one of those wives... so I feel guilty for even feeling like this.

I just want him to want to be here on his nights off. Can't he find something to do here? I don't have any problem finding more than enough work/busy stuff to keep me occupied. And it wasn't like I was sleeping... I was awake!

*sigh* Wish I had a manual right about now....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thoughts on Dust.

They say dusting is necessary.

However, dusting has always perplexed me.

Unless you are using a wet cloth or vacuuming dust up... aren't you just moving it from one location to another in your home?

Like, oh I don't know... the air?

I've been on a freak cleaning spree since 9pm. It is 2:30am.

I conquered and killed much dust :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

End of Watch: 03-08-11

In memory of our fallen officer, John Perry.

My heart and prayers are with his family and friends.

Life can be so cruel...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Back from Cozumel!

My dad took my aunt, younger sister and me on a 4-day cruise to Cozumel, MX this past week. Awesome!
It was my first cruise, and my first time out of the country. We went snorkeling in the crystal clear waters of the Cozumel beaches, basked in the sun at the resort, and ate until we couldn't eat any more on the ship! I never want to see a buffet again!!! lol

It was phenomenal and an amazing experience. ( I loved bargaining at the little Mexican shops!) I'd really like to take my next cruise with my hubby. Maybe the east coast in the fall?

I missed my man - 3 days of not hearing his voice was waaaaaay to long. Much longer than we have ever gone without speaking! But he had the sweetest idea that turned out to be my saving grace on the trip; we wrote each other a letter for each day we would be away :)  Cheesy I know, but it was absolutely one of the loveliest things we have done for each other.  I love that when it comes down to it, my rough and tough all gruff cop can be a sensitive, gentle, adoring teddy bear :)

I'm at home now while he is finishing out his shift.... he should be home in about 3.5 hours. I know I should sleep - I'm just so excited to see him!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Night....

Tonight is Rev's first shift on nights...

I had my sister stay the night with me!

Still awake... but doing good :)